Friday, January 25, 2008


Today is friday, and I must say that I am very grateful for that. Today I signed up for "20 something bloggers", so hopefully this will help me find more great blogs to read and meet new people. Thanks to every one who has been reading and commenting! It's a great feeling. I have decided that for a while, I will try to find 5 blogs a day that I like and to leave comments. We shall see how it goes...

One reason why I love fridays? Because it means that I get to go to my parents house for dinner! Here are some cool things about dinner at moms:

1. There are usually sixteen people for dinner at my mom's on friday nights. Here's the roster:

*Dad, who is a dentist and owns his own practice
*My mom, who manages my dad's office. they've worked together full time for about
15 years
*My brother A., who is 2 years younger than me and is a chemist
*A's fiance L., who has been dating a for about 6 or 7 years
*My brother E., who is a phys ed and health teacher. He is 11 years older than me
*E's wife P., who is a phys ed and health teacher. they've been together since
high school, so i don't really remember her not being around.
*E & P's children:

*C, a boy who is in second grade
*N, a boy who is in kindergarten
*C, a girl who is 2.

*My brother J, who is 10 years older and is a pharmaceutical sales rep
* J's wife M, who is a special ed teacher
* J & M's children

*J, a girl who is in first grade
*A, a girl who is four
*A, a boy who is one
* Me

so yeah, that's a lot.

2. we all sit at a huge dinner table that my mom bought online from a company in florida and was hand made in pennsylvania. When all of the leaves are in and it is fully extended, it is 14 feet long.

3. the food is always great. tonight is homemade chicken pot pie (my dad makes the crust from scratch) and ice cream pie for dessert ( my mom made it) because it is L.s birthday

4. there will be good cheese and crackers before dinner, as well as good wine, which I cannot afford to buy myself right now.

5. one of the kids will probably get naked, as a result of escaping from a bath/diaper changing/putting pajamas on. neat.

6. I will feel all of the stress from my week melt away. can't wait.


Maxie said...

OMG that's a lot of people! At least you get to have chicken pot pie. I've been craving that all week.

Thanks for stopping by my blog and welcome to 20 something bloggers :-)

Unknown said...

mmm...pie and do you join?

Unknown said...

20 something blogs..not pie..why would you join pie?..i need a nap.

Jess said...

Yay! You're on 20sb. I will go find you now so we can be friends.

Have a nice dinner with your parents!