Thursday, February 21, 2008

Here's to hoping that i get hit with something.

So, this week has sucked dick. I should have known it would have. When I was walking into work on Monday, the wind was blowing about 30 miles an hour, and it was sprinkling. The sky was grey, there were lots of evil looking clouds. and it was monday. As I walked into my building, I could hear the branched overhead creaking in the wind. I had already passed a tree that had fallen into the road on the way to school. As I looked up into the trees, I thought "gosh, maybe one of these branched will fall formthe tree and give me a mild concussion. Nothing awful, just enough to keep me watching lifetime from my bed for the rest of today. And maybe tomorrow. But lets not be greedy now... Having thoughts like this made me think back to my first two years of high school, when i played field hockey. We used to practice at the middle school, which was about a mile away. So we would meet at the gym at the high school, change, stretch and run to the other field. It sucked so bad. I hated it. I don't mind running, but it was just a lot of pressure. we were supposed to run in a group, so the pace was a little faster than I would have liked. And there was a HUGE hill at the end. So, every day when we ran, I used to think "please, let me fall. Let my toes hit a rock, my knee give out, a bird fly into my head. Whatever. I JUST WANT TO FALL. See, I had it all planned out. If I ever DID fal, I was going to milk it for all it was worth. Scream, cry, take my time, maybe walk most of the way to the field while holding back fake tears. It would be amazing. And then, one day, I did fall. It was my only time falling during the two years that I played field hockey and ran that mile 3-4 times a week. I fell, scraped my knee, and before I realized it, I was back on my feet, running faster to catch up with the group. I FUCKING BLEW IT! MY ONE CHANCE AND i BLEW IT!


Jess said...

You're too tough! You'll have to work on becoming more a wimp.

Maxie said...

Ohhh... that sucks that you forgot to act all damaged. This reminds me of every soccer practice I ever went to. yuck. The running wasn't as bad as when they would make me kick the ball when I ran (dribbling? or whatever). I was soooo bad, lol