Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Finding New Ways to Make Sure I Don't See My 26th Birthday, or, Roller Derby, Anyone?

For elementary school, I went to a small catholic school. Half-days were the best, because they used to bus us down the street to the roller rink. We would skate for about three hours, until our parents came to pick us up. "Roller Skating Parties" were my favorite! I learned to skate really well (SKATE, not blade, mind you) and could even skate backwards and "shoot the duck". My 'boyfriend' Adam used to dedicate "pretty woman" for us to skate to during couples skate, and we used to eat pizza that I always thought tated weird, but I couldn't figure out why. Until I realized that the sauce tasted like warm ketchup....And you could buy those glow bracelets. My favorite skating outfit was my black stretch pants and a longish purple sweater. I even had dangle earrings that were made up of little colored hearts. And the music! All of the new kids, boyz 2 men, and c&c music factory that you could stand. Obviously, I lived for these days. And now, I have discovered that I can relive those memories. At least, in some fashion...

ROLLER DERBY! This looks like the coolest thing ever. If you have ever seen it, it looks like a bunch of women skating around a rink and slamming into each other. I have always thought that it looked like a blast, but never knew that there was a league near me. Oh, but the is one, right in providence ( Apparently, there are more rules than just "skate until you come close enough to someone to push them down". I think my entire athletic career thus far has been leading up to this:

1. soccer: sweeper or defense, regularly knocked the weaker kids down. and loved it.

2. Field Hockey: my first game ever, pre season, before try-outs, was indoors. smaller teams, modified rules, faster than outdoors. I somehow got my thumb pinched between my stick and another girl's stick. apparently, It sliced off a good chunk of my thunb, which I didn't notice until I showed the coach at halftime. I left drops of blood on the floor.

3. Softball: my favorite play was when I would round third base and head home and the catcher for the other team would be holding the ball, crouched down in front of home plate. Um, I have at least 50 pounds on you. which i am going to use to slam into you, whereby you will see stars and drop the ball. And they did.

4. Rugby. I don't think this needs an explanation. but, really, i have a good story. I was sent to the "sin bin" (penalty box) my very first game because I executed a high tackle. Which means I clotheslined a girl when her neck ran into my outstretched arm. Whoops....

1 comment:

Maxie said...

That looks awesome. I've actually never skated...but I used to be a pretty decent rollerblader. I'm sure if i tried now I'd totally fall on my ass.