So, I know I have been absent for the last week, and i worte a great 'highs and lows' entry last night, filling you in on all of the stuff that has been going on. And then i hit the button to publish, and blogger ate the post and told me that there was an error. I don't have it in me to type all of that shit again, so here is one of the highs, complete witha few pics:
The construction company that Mike is working for started a job this past weekend at a Hilton in massachusetts, about an hour and ten minutes from our house. Unfortunately, he is going to be staying up there during the week, and the job is huge, so this will probably be going on until may. It does give me lots of time to get all of my work done, which is critical since this is my last semester. Also, it means mimi vacations on wednesday nights! I don't work on thursdays, so I plan on driving up tonight. I went last friday night, and it was pretty cool. The area isn't that amazing, pretty much the middle of nowhere, Massachusetts, 30 miles outside of boston. I try to just imagine that it is somewhere cooler, like chicago or dc. BUT, there is a bed with comfy down accessories, a shower with amazingly hot water (we don't get hot water at our apartment that often. usually, it's jut warm. if we're lucky...) and a nice restaurant. Tonight we are going to have a nice dinner and hang out, and then tomorrow I am going to stay for a while in the comfy bed and study for my comprehensive exam on friday. So, for your viewing pleasure, here are some pics:

here is the outside of the hotel...

here is the bedroom with the comfy bed...

and here is the very nice looking restaurant, where I may be having:
baby iceberg wedge salad with blue cheese and oven roasted tomatoes
tenderloin of beef with shallot sauce and mashed potatoes
grilled atlantic salmon with petite green lentils and wilted spinach.
Well, I'm glad you picked a high to talk about instead of a low, given the choice. It's Thursday today so I assume you're there as I write this. I hope you're having a great time!
yummmm I love shallot sauce. Hope it was fun!
ok so i wasn't sure if you would see the comment I posted back to you on mine, make sense right? i have seen parts of everyone says....totally wonderful. i love love edward norton i just want to keep him in my midget pocket and say hello every now and then...totally miss you here! the other day i burned pasta!!! my cooking skills are awesome....see you soon soon!
come back to livejournal. i never remember to check this thing. of course, you dont seem to remember to update it so maybe that point is moot ;)
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