Monday, January 7, 2008

New Year, New Blog...

Today is January 7. A week into the new year, and I am just starting this blog, which I swore to myself that I would start on January 1st, with boundless enthusiasm and countless topics to write about. Why a blog now? I have been thinking about it for a while, when funny things or deeper thoughts pop into my head and I think "Now hat would be great in the blog. Seriously." But I thought it was weird to just up and start a blog, so I decided to wait for the new year. It seemed like a good time to start something new. And then the new year came and I was like "yeah. whatever. blog schmog. I have leftovers from the new year's party to eat and DVRd lifetime movies to watch. Nobody wants to hear about this..." But now I am back to work, and slightly more motivated... And I read Molly's blog religiously, and she is always an inspiration (

So here is my first entry. Hopefully I will spend this week letting you get to know me (complete with some pics if I can figure that out) and then next week we will get into the serious stuff. To start us off, here is a wrap up of last year:

*I became that last of my siblings to be engaged/married and own a house. And I am not the youngest. super. No, seriously, this is ok. It doesn't keep me up at night. It is not giving me insomnia. Really. It's ok. I'm fine.

*I moved from a tiny efficiency cottage that was built as a root cellar in the mid 1700's to an apartment with a bedroom, livingroom, kitchen, bathroom, alcove outside the bathroom perfect for a computer desk, alcove for washer/drier, basement, and two entrances! It. Is. A. Palace. with a mouse problem, but whatever. Our whole old apartment could fit into our livingroom!

*I adopted a cat named Sebastian who I am now obsessed with. I am fully aware now that if things don't work out with Mike (more about him later...) I may end up as the crazy cat lady...

* I celebrated my 5 year anniversary with my boyfriend Mike on December 31st. (notice how the cat comment came before mike? That seriously doesn't mean anything. Sorry Honey!)

* I went on spring break for the first time at the age of 25 to Naples, Florida with my neighbor and another friend. The week looked like this: drive neighbor's aunt's lexus into town, drink at bar, take taxi home, sleep it off, walk to beach and sleep it off on beach while reading old Jackie Collins novel, walk home, sleep it off, go to steak and shake, go home, get ready, drive lexus into town....for seven days. variations in the plan included shopping and going out to dinner. best. week. of. my. life.

So yeah, more stuff happened, but I do not remember it. Here is what we have to look forward to for 2008:

*Presenting at 2 professional conferences, the first coming up in less than 2 weeks!

*polishing off my resume...

*applying for JOBS!

*Graduating from URI with my M.S.! I get to wear a special hood! (I am also a big dork. more about this later, as well)

*Enduring discussions about my younger brother's house buying plans and wedding plans (if either one of you read this, I want you to know that I love you both and am super happy for you. Mostly... No, seriously. I am. Congratulations!)

*getting to know my work friend H. better. (seriously, we will go out. very soon.)

So there it is, a wrap up and a look ahead to the future, whatever it brings. Hopefully it will bring a job with a starting salary of $45,000. Ad a diamond or a house. Just kidding. seriously. I don't want a ring right now. I am happy where I am. It's fine. I am fine. seriously.


B. Rose said...

I remember meeting this one crazy-bitch chick who told me that all she needed at the end of the day was a guy with a functioning dick. The day he broke/sprained his ankle, she loved him still because his dick still worked.

Also, love the blog, baby. You rock my day-three socks off (which need to be switched soon).

-Alex (former colleague now in East Buddha-fuck)s

Stacey said...

alex, thanks for leaving a comment that will cause professionals and older colleagues to think less of me. you're the best! p.s.- I can smell your socks from here!

B. Rose said...

Hm...that's a good point. I'll be more tactful in the future. Sorry about that.

On the other hand, seriously, a blog should not be a conduit to enhance your professional appearance nor a conduit for regressing it neither.

Regardless, I'll play nice.


Molly said...

awww you're so sweet. Welcome to the blog world!